' This tiny QBASIC program will print the contents of your memory ' on the screen. Only the first 1MB of RAM is printed, because ' this program is designed for the Intel 8086 CPU. We will print ' 64 characters per line, so there will be 16384 lines. ' ' On the left side of the screen, you will see the absolute address ' in hex format, and on the right, you'll see the memory contents. ' ' Written by Zsolt Nagy-Perge in June 2015. ' ' DEFINT A-Z SCREEN 0 COLOR 7, 0 CLS C = 63 FOR AbsoluteAddress& = 0 TO 1048575 C = C + 1 IF C > 63 THEN C = 0 A$ = HEX$(AbsoluteAddress&) PRINT " 0x" + STRING$(8 - LEN(A$), "0") + A$ + ": "; END IF SEGMENT& = FIX(AbsoluteAddress& / 16) OFFSET = AbsoluteAddress& MOD 16 DEF SEG = SEGMENT& BYTE = PEEK(OFFSET) IF BYTE > 6 AND BYTE < 32 THEN PRINT "."; ELSE PRINT CHR$(BYTE); NEXT AbsoluteAddress&